Monday, May 4, 2009

Growing into my Arms

So after some debate, and largely due to the clear advantages Arms has at the moment, I've elected to switch my dps spec to Arms.  Since I've never done arms before, this will take some getting used to, I fear, but I'm working on it with some guild mates and other friends to find a rotation that is both useful and doable.

So far, my current rotation seems to be something like:

(for one mob)
Charge, Rend, Mortal Strike 
If Overpower or Execute pop, fire those, otherwise, go back to Mortal Strike and Slam.

(for multi-mobs)
Charge, Rend, Mortal Strike (start with the primary and give the tank a few seconds to build some threat across the others, if you're the tank or you're soloing, just do it), sweeping strikes, bladestorm,
If Overpower or Execute pop, fire those, otherwise use Cleave, Mortal Strike and Slam

Rage dump = Heroic Strike?  I still haven't been able to determine fully whether this is still true or not.  At least one of the people I've spoken with said they never bother with Heroic Strike anymore now that they have Sudden Death, Improved Execute, and Glyph of Execution they can blow Execute many times during a battle, and it seems to be working.  

So far the biggest "options" I seem to be encountering are how to effectively manage my talents to accomplish what I want to do.  The more I play with it, the more I'm not entirely sure.  While Arms is still pretty wonderful, I've been facing several arms warriors in bg's etc again, and once again it seems that arms still can't really get through the protection barricade.  However, arms dps in raids is clearly superior now to anything Fury has to offer.  For that reason, I'm thinking of designing a purely PvE arms spec to use in raids, which will limit some of the things I had taken to facilitate some PvP and soloing.  

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