Monday, July 12, 2010

Cataclysm Talent Tree Changes

So, by now you've heard that Blizzard has decided to completely redesign the talent trees for Cataclysm. Now, I'm not one of the lucky few privy to the beta testing, so I'm still having to speculate. I've been trying to read the forums, but since posting is restricted to beta testers, I haven't really been able to get much of my own feedback, so I'm having to base what information I have on others.

That being said, I think some things about this move are exciting. First of all, I like the idea that at level 10 everyone will be getting some "defining" characteristic of their class which should make leveling much easier and your initial choices more epic. I am hoping that they are coupling this choice with some revisions to lower level gear to allow talent tree choices to be less painful in terms of gear collection (after all, we still won't get our second spec until 40). I know that much of this is in my head, since it's been a while since I was there, but as I recall it, upon getting to choose my first talent point I found myself practically blinded by the dizzying array of choices, none of which really seemed to matter much anyway. In fact, I heartily agree with the devs when they say that your talent tree choices didn't really start to 'gel' until you hit about 35-40 anyway.

Face it, at low levels, tanking was more a matter of "who wants to" than it was "who is capable of it."

I'm concerned about some of the decisions about how to assign those 41 talent points, as it seems they want to intersperse them on every odd level (which means at each level you either need to visit a trainer or learn a talent). Of course, I also recall them saying that they were removing all those Level 1-Level 9 skills nonsense and just making the same skill level as you did by making them percentages or some such, but perhaps this has fallen by the wayside as well.

I'm also concerned because they can't seem to decide what they want the "defining" characteristic of Fury to be. They seem to be waffling some between some kind of enrage enhancement or an extra proc of some kind.

I don't know how many of you have a Fury playstyle like mine, but I actually took my 5 talent points in Intensify Rage and Improved Berserker Rage just so I would always have something to hit and also so that rage would never be an issue. My standard "wind-up" is to use these two alternately while I wait for the raid leader to be ready and I usually begin every boss encounter with 80-100 rage built up and ready to go. This means that my initial Intercept and about 3-5 subsequent abilities are already paid for before I ever start. I like to spend my freebies on Sunder Armor because (a) I like my dps numbers with Sunders up and (b) it forces an "easing in" period at the beginning of fights when the tanks are the most stressed out about aggro. Yes, it's true, the tooltip to Sunder says it "causes a high amount of threat" but my whirlwind causes a high amount of threat too, and so does my cleave, but these cause high threat to several targets instead of just one. The catch to Sunder is that it causes a "fixed" amount of threat per application instead of something that scales with damage done. I should probably run numbers at some point, but I've never had a lot of problems with pulling off tanks with that opener, and I HAVE had problems when I open with whirlwind.

Anyway, I say all this to point out that I like the possibility of an extra attack we can spam while enraged, which was hinted at by Ghostcrawler recently. If we were given an ability at 10, I'd have to say the best choice would be (a) dual wielding, as I think that should be a characteristic you get used to early, and (b) an extra attack that you can pop whenever you enrage which should hit with both weapons on a single target (and which doesn't consume the enrage, as suggested). Of course, the other thing that would need to happen is that we be given some kind of automatic enrage of some sort, even if it's one of the most basic and infrequent ones. Even berserker rage should work fine as it would turn what starts out as a defensive technique into a cd you can use to increase damage dealt.

And I think that's the best way to define the Fury tree at low levels.

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