In order to get us to want to prioritize abilities correctly they'll have to do something like this for a sort of damage order:
Bloodthirst > Slam (proc) > HS > WW > Furious Sunder
The one thing I'm not certain about is whether HS (max) > Slam (proc) > HS (min) or
Slam (proc) > HS (max) > HS (min). Both have some use, but I think the latter would better preserve the use of the procced slam mechanic.
Now, I think this is going to be something very similar to the actual damage allotment, since otherwise, one of the no cd abilities would trump the cd abilities.
I know that all the talent trees are going to be revamped anyway, but they sound like many of our core talents will be left primarily in place, we'll just lose some of the passive "gain X% damage" type talents, and there should be some shifts, but for the purpose of this discussion, we'll mention the talents for these abilities as though they will remain largely the same.
I.e. If HS > Slam (proc) then why would you bother with waiting for Slams to proc? Plus, that frees up talent points, since that is all that talent does. Imagine, if HS trumps Slams even if it has to be maxxed to do it, I think most warriors would choose to use HS every chance they can, and place the 3 talent points into rage generation to help pay for their expensive HS's. If HS > Bloodthirst, then why bother using it? Essentially, they'll want to keep BT and Slam as the two top damage dealing abilities for a warrior's single target, and just use HS as a really good way to fill the gaps between the Bloodthirsts when Slam isn't proccing.
Regarding the right end of the spectrum, Furious Sundering was announced as a way to lessen the cost of needing to apply sunders, and is not supposed to be a move that replaces HS in any way, and I'd bet that it isn't supposed to be greater than WW either, and is just supposed to be a filler move. Of course, on the flip side of that argument, with sunder stacks reducing to 3, and the importance of keeping them up no longer as noticeable, perhaps they'll want to make it close to the minimum HS level, perhaps slightly below. Then you can do a 10 rage attack for about the same damage as minimum HS, but if you want to wallop off extra rage you can do a maxxed out HS.
They'll definitely want to keep WW low on this list in order to force us not to use it in single target fights, regardless.
And they've said they're considering giving us something else to push also, which would be nice, considering as it is we're looking at (count with me)
- Bloodthirst
- Slam
- Heroic Strike
- Sunder
total buttons we need to use in combat. Of course there will be the shouts as well, but depending on what they do about the "more powerful spell in effect" some people may not be shouting either. Or else we'll all need to take the talent that improves our shouts for 5 talent points whether we want them or not.
But I think having at least one more ability would be nice. If BT will stay on it's 4 sec cd, I think another 8-10 second cd ability that trumps it would be appropriate. I think it would be best if it made use of the dual weapon style that Fury uses, so some kind of double slam, similar in nature to a rogues Mutilate ability, or perhaps similar to a DK's Obliterate, some kind of ability that has a % damage effect, but if you are dual wielding it also adds a certain portion of your second weapon's damage.
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