Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Clysm raid changes, and some raid thoughts.

They look interesting, but I'm of mixed emotions about them.

For one thing, I like the fact that I could run with my 10 man group all the time instead of having the "herding cats" experience that 25's can become, but since they're still going to incentivise doing the 25 mans (by offering more badges, etc) it may mean that the only way to get the "good" gear quickly is to run the 25's. I guess it will depend on numbers a lot. For example, if they make the next tier items cost the same (60-95 emblems) as the T10 gear, and if a raid boss offers 2 emblems on 10 man, and 4 on 25 man, since you can only do one of them, it will take you twice as long to work towards tier gear doing 10 mans.

But if they don't incentivise 25's that way, I know many many people who will choose to "cut the fat" so to speak and just run with a 10 man that they are comfortable with. Less demand on their machine, so better frame rates, etc. and overall easier to communicate, and fewer people to have to worry about.

I think it's safe to say that even if the rest of the gear drop amount goes up, I doubt that will really make the difference, i.e. if 2 pieces of gear drop from 10 mans, and 5 pieces of gear drop from 25 mans it's still exactly 1/5 of the raid that has the "chance" to get a piece of gear, regardless which one you're in. In my experience it's easier to get the 10 man gear, because the 10 mans will be consistent, so if someone wins a piece one week, they won't need it next week. I don't want to tell you how many people won the Dual Blade Butcher from week to week in our ToC 25's and then never came back to the raids. I drooled every time it dropped, and every time it went to someone else, sometimes a ret paladin (Armor Pen? Really?) and sometimes a DK or Warrior, but the axe never came back equipped to the raid.

On a secondary note, if you are a raider, please don't do this. You have to realize that everyone is trying to get the same gear as you, so if you don't know what the optimal gear is for you, please look it up. And if you are taking something because it "might" be cool, at least wait until everyone else has had a shot at it.

Examples of things that have annoyed me in the past:

Please, if you want to be a raider,

  • Fury warrior rolls on a second (name of weapon removed) but never equips it to raid, because really it wasn't as good as his other off hand weapon
  • Raid leader decides spuriously to award a hunter a melee weapon over a melee class who won the role because "the stat bonuses (agility) are more itemized for a hunter".
  • Someone rolls and wins item X and then later that night rolls and wins item Y which goes in the exact same slot, but rather than trade it off to someone else, has to sell item X since they gemmed it immediately not realizing there were much better upgrades. Note: both items about the same level, just stat bonuses were in different places.
  • Despite our guild's policy for the T10.5 upgrade pieces, someone rolls for a second or even third Sanctified piece of gear and wins over people who have none.

Please, if you want to be a raider, don't do these kinds of things. For example, I have a list right now of the 7 pieces of gear that might drop from ICC 25 that I would like. They are the ONLY pieces of gear I will roll on, and they are prioritized. For example, I have a drop from Saurfang that takes precedent over the drop from Deathwhisper, and both of those take precedent over all other drops in ICC. I would gladly put dkp on the drop from Saurfang if it came to that, but since our guild doesn't use point systems, it's a matter of politeness. Unfortunately for me, that trinket has a low drop rate and is the best in slot for a lot of dps classes, but here again, the trinket is an armor pen trinket, so if I lose the roll to a hunter, rogue, or fellow warrior, or even a DK, I'm fine, I'd have to have a good talk with a friend of mine if a retadin or ele shaman rolled on it though (and ask him WHY would they need it?).

A little research and politeness go a long way, finding out a little bit about what gear you actually want is definitely more worthwhile than just rolling on everything that might apply to you. Not to mention, if people see you allowing things to spread evenly, and then one day you request something specific, you might get the chance to have priority for a change.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if you can't post a list of items you would roll on (and also a list of possible upgrades for those items that might be gotten) you probably shouldn't roll on things until you can.

Up to a point, I believe that these raiding loot rules work pretty well:

  • Research ahead of time. If you don't know if something is better for you, ask.
  • Look at the other people who are rolling on gear. If something is kind of so-so for you, but would improve their gear dramatically, it will improve your RAID dramatically overall. In that case, you should pass it to them.
  • Everyone present has the same chance to get items that are appropriate for them. If you don't know what is appropriate for you, please see the first rule.
  • Especially in big raids, try to use the 1 drop per person per raid rule, and for infrequent drops, possibly even 1 drop per person until everyone has gotten one. If no one is interested in an item, it can become sort of fair game to try to claim a second or third piece, but until then, stay out of those rolls. This also means you should save your rolls in some cases for those pieces you REALLY want, or if you win one and you might want something later, you can apply the second rule.
  • There will always be some exceptions, such as the legendary hammer pieces that drop in Ulduar. For a raid to benefit from that kind of thing, the same person has to get all of them. In that case, the decision should be made as a group who gets those items, and that person should be someone that can be counted on to be at the raid so that those items get used as much as possible. Similarly with the legendary axe that drops in ICC, a decision should be made who gets the "first" crack at it, and all others can be on a "next in line" basis. Otherwise it will take forever to get one in the raid.

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