Well, I'm back and excited. Some things have happened since last I typed:
- A) I don't remember if I mentioned that I went Fury. I can't help it, Blizzard made Fury the clear winner in the pve dps race. I tried it one night just to see and my dps went up nearly 50-70% immediately. A no brainer, then.
- B) So, now I've got some ICC gear (10 and 25), I've built up my 25 Primordial Saronite, and done the side quest, so I'm anxiously awaiting the chance to grab the two acidic blood drops from Festergut and Rotface so I can have my very own Shadow's Edge (and who knows, maybe eventually my own Shadowmourne). I'm also excited to be able to spend frost emblems on tier gear finally.
Our guild recently returned to 25 mans after a long hiatus. The truth was we just didn't have anyone that interested in doing them. We did at one time, but our numbers thinned out for various reasons (which we won't go into), and we were left with only about 10-15 people that were even interested in running 25 mans on a regular basis.
I'm especially excited about our 10 man raid, though. We started with some very new people who were dedicated and very interested, and last night we one shot the new VoA boss and the first six bosses of ICC (FG and RF being the 5th and 6th, since they're not in linear order) and cleared trash to Valithria, all well within our 3 hour time limit, even with breaks. It was also the first time we'd gotten the quest to get infected with the orange and green poison thing, and we spent longer trying to decide whether to try to glitch the encounter to ensure getting it, or to just go normally. In the end we decided on a normal approach (which was quite brave, I think, since we've only downed him one time (last week)). One shot. Us -1 Rotface - 0.
Anyway, I'm very proud.
Tonight our 25 man meets again, and I'm hoping that we modify our order some before we get too far in tonight.
I did some calculations, and the Festergut 25 man encounter is quite literally (as far as boss damage goes) the steepest dps requirement in 25 man ICC. Almost all other encounters can be accomplished with dps averaging a minimum of 4K, but Festergut 25 requires a minimum of about 6.7K+ on average. I'm sure this would be no issue if we were decked out in 25 man heroic gear from ToC, but we've only just done Northrend Beasts in ToGC 10 man this last Tuesday (and many many clears of 10 and 25 ToC) and it was anything but easy.
The totals ran something like total dps requirements for all fights in ICC about 67K - 72K, but Festergut requires 134K.
Holy crud!
That's quite a step up to force people to make in the same instance. Compare that to Rotface that has no enrage timer, and just requires the coordination to get through it before mana runs out, it seems a little extreme. Festergut in 10 man is noticeably less of a steep bump in the road. I think our 10 man is meeting two more times this week to try Putricide again, and the blood and frost wings. From what I've read, the other wings sound significantly less complicated than the Putricide fight, so we'll have to see how it goes.
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