Well, I'm finally close enough on my main spec gear list (with some modifications for quickness) that I can start trying to see about what to do for my tank gear. Tank gear is harder for me, because it's my off spec, so in order to roll on decent gear, either (a) all the tanks in the raid need to have that item or better, or (b) I need to be tanking that night with the understanding that I'm rolling on tank gear only.
With that in mind, several things have to take a back seat to my main spec, so my tank gear has to be primarily drops, since I don't know how long it will be until I can afford to purchase any of the tier gear for it (not until I've bought 4 pieces of my main spec's tier 10 gear), so I have to temper my dreams for my tank gear a little more than usual.
However, I find that tanking gear is a little bizarre for me at this point. If I upgrade pretty much everything, I actually end up trading defense and some expertise for armor and health. That's pretty much the tradeoff. I'm just baffled, as my dodge stays about the same, my parry about the same, my hit about the same, It makes me wonder what exactly they've itemized around. After all is said and done, I think I gain about 200 strength, and about 400 stamina, which is certainly good, but I'm losing about 24.5 defense skill for it (which isn't a lot, admittedly, but it does increase block, parry, dodge, and attacking miss chance by about 1/5 of a percent each.) It ends up being a tradeoff of about 300 ish defense rating for those 200 strength and 400 stamina (which I'm willing to admit is a great trade up) but I'm also increasing my iLevel quite a ways on most of those pieces (in some cases from 200-219 up to 251-264) so I almost find myself wondering why nothing else is improving any more than that.
Regardless, here is a beginning wowhead comparison of my current gear to an "eventual" gear set (which won't be any time soon, but it's somewhere to start).
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