Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ok, Who ran up the "Charge" card?

So, I'm looking at the PTR notes, and I see two things that make me think someone has been charging more than we can afford.


  • Juggernaut: Critical strike chance bonus reduced to 25%, down from 100%.


  • Glyphs
    • Glyph of Rapid Charge: Reduced to 7%, down from 20% cooldown reduction to Charge.

and what this leads me to ask is, who ran up the charge card?

So the first one, I think I get, even though I can't say I'm happy about it.  It adds that much extra uncertainty into my rotation I was just getting used to, but I can just amend my earlier dual purpose spec and make a raid dps spec only and switch it out to do PvP just like I was having to do back before dual specs, which will give me some extra tricks I can use to put damage down.

The second one, though has me baffled.  Bear in mind, that charge is on a 15 second cooldown.  So the 20% reduction to our cooldown made charge something that was doable every 12 seconds instead of 15 secs.  So apparently that 3 second cooldown reduction has caused so much QQ that we had to do away with it quickly to be replaced with the FAR more reasonable 1 second cooldown reduction?

Now, from a protection warrior standpoint, I can "almost" see this, except that I still don't.  For protection warriors at least charging has the benefit of removing movement impairing effects, so that gives us another way to get out of entangles, freezes, etc.  And I suppose that being able to do that every 12 seconds could be lightyears worse than allowing us to do that every 14 seconds, but I have a hard time seeing it.   For Arms warriors, though (which it seems this is directed at) if you're PvPing against an Arms warrior and you think he's charging too often, just entangle him.  What's the big deal?   And if you're against a Fury warrior who has taken Glyph of Charge, well, then just thank your lucky stars you're against such a noob and pwn him!

I add to that the fact that I always thought Glyph of Charge was a waste of a good glyph spot that could go to Glyph of Revenge/Glyph of blocking/Glyph of Heroic Strike /Glyph of Shockwave, I find myself really wondering what the big gripe about charging was.  Clearly someone is very upset that warriors can charge.  

So just remember, you warriors out there, to charge only when you've got the cash in the bank to pay for it.

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