Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WTB intelligent redesign for Pally heals

I really like having a paladin healer in some fights, and the biggest issue I have with the way Blizz has set them up is that their instant heals crit for amazing amounts of heals (which is fantastic), but this leads to an awful lot of timing issues, which generally leads to a 50%+ overheal situation when they spam heals to keep us up.  

Now, I don't blame the pallys at all for this.  They don't have the hots that druids have, they're all about burst healing on single targets, which is great.  But in order to prevent overhealing, they'd have to basically wait until I am at less than 1/3 health  before firing anything, and at that range I am risking being one shot by Patchwerk.  I think maybe there should be a talent or something for Pallys that gives them a "partial" refund of any overhealed amounts.  Like, as an idea, suppose they get back 50% of the mana they spent to overheal you (as a percentage of total heals), so, if they heal for 20K, and do 10K overheal, suppose they get a "refund" of 25% of whatever mana they spent to cast the spell.  I know there are talents in place that ensure that they receive mana back when they crit, but just take the "after" cost of the spell and refund 25% of mana when they overheal.  This way, they could keep from running out of mana so soon, while doing 50% overheals trying to keep a tank up above 60% during some of these heavy hitting fights. 

Or, if that's still too much, how about making overheals sort of a "burst" heal in a small area either around the paladin or around the target?  Say spread the overhealed amount in a burst among the nearest 4 targets within 10-20 feet of them?  Even if you only spread 50% of the overheal amount amongst them, it would at least have a better chance of doing some good.

There may be a way to adjust this to make things "fair" for pvp setups, but it just seems like such a waste for the good paladin healers to be constantly wasting over half their spells effectiveness.

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