Tuesday, March 24, 2009

RL invasion.

Ok, I promise to keep this sort of thing reasonable, but I'd like to post this news article, as I think it's worth reading.  This is Gurggy's RL "brain" speaking.

This is a story about a small restaraunt up on the way from my house to BWI airport, that my wife and I pass by and think that we'd really like to visit.  

I don't know how everyone feels about things, but having read this story to the bottom, I'm thinking of making a reservation pretty soon, and I may even try to get over some of my initial lack of interest in foie gras enough to at least taste it, just for the cause (otherwise I really don't think it sounds that good, but I've been wrong about these sorts of things before).


  1. I have no idea why there is an issue as we as a society eat meat, but I think you should.

  2. Yeah, there's just the squeamish factor of eating a soft liver pate to get over. . .

  3. According to the wiki, it can be served several ways and doesn't have to be as pate. I don't know why people are getting worked up over "force feeding" the animals grain when it is only done for the 10 days or so prior to slaughter and ... THEY ARE ABOUT TO DIE ANYWAY. LOL, some of these people just kill me with their logic. Great article Casey. I think y'all should check out the restaurant.
